

What Happens When You Give Your Kids Unlimited Screen Time?
Mon, Oct 17, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all how people these days are getting too reliant on their digital devices. And we also know that too much screen time may be dangerous, regardless of whether you leave the TV on all the time, or your family spends the entire day glued to their smartphones.  It is alarming and downright frustrating. Aside from the well-known negative effects like behavior and educational problems, interrupted sleeping patterns, violent emotions, family relationships, and even obesity, TOO much screen time can lead to other health problems. The most notorious health issues are caused by blue lights. They are: Digital eye strain...

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4 Reasons Why You Should Think About Starting a Digital Curfew
Mon, Oct 10, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Since the pandemic started, we have all rely on our digital devices heavily. Yes, that heavy. We associate almost everything we do with it. From waking up, reading our messages and notifications, finding nearby restaurants, checking the weather, talking with our coworkers, and connecting us with the people we love. We cannot deny that digital devices have taken over our life now. Of course, it is convenient and user friendly and it gives us everything we need with just a simple click.             But have you ever wondered how reliant we really are? On a scale of 1-10, how dependent...

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How Can Blue Light Affect Your Health?
Tue, Oct 04, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We, humans, have to maintain our mental health and be in harmony with our surroundings. We all know that sleep is one of the primary elements of our day that interferes with this harmony. Some of the factors are; lack of physical exercise, poor sleep routine, excessive coffee use (exceeding the advised cups per day), and in recent years, artificial light consumption and exposure, particularly blue lights, have been the main external factors that disrupt our sleep. We all also know that blue light is the most dangerous color of visible light for the human visual system since it primarily...

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Implementing Digital Curfew
Mon, Sep 19, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Does your home have a digital curfew? Do you limit their screen time and usage of their digital devices? You might reconsider your choices and implement a digital curfew as soon as possible. There is a convincing reason to have teenagers stop using their electronics or watching TV before night, despite how challenging it may be to accomplish this. These screens' blue light can prevent the pineal gland from secreting melatonin (sleep hormone) at the proper time. As a result, by preventing tiredness and resetting the body's internal clock to a later time, the blue light emitted can boost alertness....

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Are Blue Lights Hurting Your Eyes
Thu, Sep 15, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
It is a known fact that blue lights are everywhere and devices that emit blue lights are everywhere, too. And we all know how damaging it is to our health and especially to our eyes. Now, let cut the story short and get to the point. An increased risk of age-related macular degeneration was one of the "phototoxic effects" of blue light exposure, according to a 2019 report from the French Agency for Food, Environmental, and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES). The study found that blue light-blocking eyewear and filters might not offer adequate defense against these and other negative...

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Tips for Better Sleep and Eye Health
Thu, Sep 08, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
The blue light that your mobile device's screen typically emits is safe to use during the day, but can interfere with your sleep at night. Because blue light stimulates your brain and tricks it into believing it is daytime, using your gadget right before night may keep you awake. In order to better regulate sleep, reduce the lights and avoid staring at bright backlit screens at least an hour before bed. A better night's sleep is obtained by winding down before bed by doing something less exciting.   Additionally, use the American Optometric Association's 20-20-20 guideline for better overall eye...

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Debunking The Myths About Digital Eyestrain And Blue Light
Tue, Aug 30, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
It is a common fact that blue lights are dangerous to our health. It destroys and disrupts our sleeping patterns, eye health, skin, and even alters our mood. The pieces of information about said lights are spreading all over the internet like wildfire and we should be grateful for that because the younger generations are now more prepared. They have been warned and they can now prevent and minimize their exposure to it. But the funny thing, is that some people still, somehow, find it as a joke or something even after all the data presented on the web. Now...

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Blue Lights and its Nighttime Exposure
Tue, Aug 23, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
According to several research, working the night shift or being exposed to light at night may increase your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. That does not prove that exposure to nighttime light causes these illnesses, nor does it explain why it would be harmful to us. Also, a Harvard study provided some insight into the potential link to obesity and diabetes. The circadian rhythms of 10 participants were gradually changed by the researchers' schedule. Leptin levels, which help people feel satisfied after eating, decreased, and their blood sugar levels rose, putting them into a pre-diabetic state. A...

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Blue Lights Disrupt Your Sleep At Night: A Myth or Not?
Mon, Aug 15, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Is this really a question, seriously? But, today, we are going to debunk what most people believe “blue light does not disrupt your sleep”. It is ridiculously funny that there are people out there thinking that it is all a myth, when scientists have dedicated their whole lives searching about said lights. Well, your body has an internal clock that controls your circadian rhythm — the 24-hour biological cycle that impacts multiple functions. It most significantly determines when your body is prepared for either sleep or consciousness. However, in order for your circadian rhythm to adjust and change, it requires...

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Could Blue Lights Exposure Affect Pregnancy?
Mon, Aug 08, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know that sleep disturbances frequently occur during pregnancy. As a society, we have become acutely aware of how blue light affects the generation of melatonin, the hormone that naturally causes humans to fall asleep hence your ability to conceive may become more challenging if your body is not producing enough melatonin. Blue light suppression has been shown to improve sleep and may be a suitable solution for sleep issues during pregnancy. Numerous studies have also shown that blue light can influence both male and female fertility, sleep, pregnancy hormone production, and even the circadian rhythms of your baby...

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How Can I Protect Myself From The Negative Effects Of Blue Lights?
Sun, Jul 31, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Considering the fast-paced and progressing society we live in, blue light sources will only get more prominent in our homes and public areas. We cannot stop the mass production of companies of digital devices since it has now become a “need” more than a “want” these days. We all know that these devices emit blue lights, but we cannot also stop using them since we are mandated to rely on them since the pandemic started. Fortunately, there are a variety of strategies to minimize blue light exposure. Being aware of how blue light affects our health is just the beginning....

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How Can I Protect Myself From The Negative Effects Of Blue Lights?
Mon, Jul 25, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Considering the fast-paced and progressing society we live in, blue light sources will only get more prominent in our homes and public areas. We cannot stop the mass production of companies of digital devices since it has now become a “need” more than a “want” these days. We all know that these devices emit blue lights, but we cannot also stop using them since we are mandated to rely on them since the pandemic started. Fortunately, there are a variety of strategies to minimize blue light exposure. Being aware of how blue light affects our health is just the beginning....

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3 Habits to Lessen Blue Light Exposure Before Going to Bed
Wed, Jul 20, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how blue lights affect our health. We all know that we should install an anti-blue light screen protector to block said lights. Blue lights, which are emitted by digital devices like phones, laptops, and televisions, can have a number of undesirable consequences on your health, most notably your ability to sleep. Find out more about blue lights, and how to control your exposure for a restful night's sleep as we enumerate the best 3 ways of minimizing blue light exposure. 1. Touch some grass – yes, you may find this funny, but we strongly suggest this one....

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Protecting Your Eyes
Mon, Jul 11, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged, offices and workplaces have suddenly been forced to adapt to the “new normal”. It is a practice where people are mandated to work from home or what we all know as “WFH”. It became a thing because we are all prohibited from interacting with other people since the virus can easily be transmitted through physical contact. We are all advised to practice social distancing then. After 2 years, we are still in this pandemic, and we are all using our computers and digital devices for work. Considering the two good years of facing computer...

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3 Common Symptoms Your Body is Affected by Blue Lights
Fri, Jul 01, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
It is a universal fact that blue light affects our health. We all know how damaging it is for it disrupts our sleeping pattern, mood, vision, and even our skin. Looking at the main sources of blue lights, there are many blue light-emitting devices in a common household, like, laptops, fluorescent lights, smartphones, and more. And since the pandemic started, we are all instructed to use these devices as an alternative to our usual office thing. So, it is kind of hard to minimize exposure to said lights. How would we know if we are suffering from it? How could...

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What are Blue Light Sources?
Sun, Jun 26, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how negative blue lights are to our health. It disrupts our sleeping patterns, gives us mood swings, hurts our vision, and many more. But have you ever thought about the sources of said lights? Where do they come from? What devices produce blue lights? How many blue light-emitting devices can you find in a simple household? What are they? Let us find out! An average American spends an average of seven hours a day on digital devices, devices that emit blue lights. This is kind of alarming considering how dangerous it is to our health. What appliances...

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Should the elderly people worry about blue lights from their digital devices and their effects?
Sun, Jun 19, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
In a world where having digital devices is a necessity, it is kind of difficult to avoid exposure to blue lights, especially when our own devices are the primary sources of said lights. Most of us, or should I say the majority of people today, including older adults, spend a lot of time using their devices. We basically use and associate everything we do with our devices… Well, we all know how damaging it is to our health, but as adults, we can at least prepare ourselves from its negative effects… But what about the seniors? How could they protect...

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Three Important Reasons Why You Should be Installing an Anti-blue Light Screen Protector
Tue, Jun 07, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Adults reportedly spend up to six hours a day facing their computer screens, smartphones, or other digital devices. While, teens on the other hand, use their digital devices almost every time. We should also consider that since the pandemic started, the majority of working adults were advised to just work from their homes or what most people call “WFH set-up”.   Since most of us cannot stop using these devices, we should at least think of a way to help ourselves from the negative effects of blue lights. Have you ever thought of installing an anti-blue light screen protector to...

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Why Blue Lights Should be Taken Seriously
Tue, May 31, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
It should not be taken lightly! Period. We all know that blue lights are everywhere; from waking up in the morning staring at your phone’s notifications to using it the whole day at work, and even before going to sleep. We clearly cannot deny the fact that we associate our daily lives with our digital devices these days. Even before the pandemic started, we were already relying on its features heavily, because why not? It really helps us in many ways, but let’s not dig deeper into that. What we are about to discuss is, the heavy amount of time...

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Do your kids have a digital curfew?
Thu, May 26, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
What exactly is a digital curfew? Why should most parents practice it in their home? Why kids should not be allowed to use their digital devices before going to bed. Let's talk! Hey Parents, chances are you are also reading this blog with your smartphones or computer, and guess what you are as prone as your kids to the negative effects of blue lights. You spend most of the time facing your computer screen at work, using your smartphone to communicate, and watching TV to relax after an exhausting day. Your eyes get tired, too, but we all know damaging...

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More than 60% of people are still unaware of the blue lights effect on their skin
Fri, May 20, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
It is kind of alarming how huge the percentage of people who are not aware of how damaging blue light is to their skin. Despite the fact that it is being spread on the internet like a wildfire and it being a well-known fact, people are still somehow clueless. How do blue lights affect our skin? It contributes to brown spots on the skin and hyperpigmentation such as melasma. It is also responsible for photoaging and collagen breakdown which can lead to skin laxity and wrinkles. We are all prone to the negative effects of blue lights since most of...

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Blue lights effect on Children
Mon, May 09, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Are your kids active on social media or some online games? Are they using their phones or other digital devices most of the time? If yes, they are probably prone to the harmful effects of blue lights. We all know how damaging it is to our health, but imagine how damaging it can get to the younger generation. They are still young and weak. They are still vulnerable. The blue lights that are being released by their digital devices are very dangerous to their eyes. How could they learn to read their favorite books when they already hurt their eyes...

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Can Blue Lights lead to Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eyestrain?
Thu, May 05, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Since the pandemic has started, we are all mandated to follow social distancing. It is a practice where we distance ourselves from other people for 6 feet. It is basically one of the many risk-reduction measures along with wearing face masks, and vaccination. And because of this order, work from home set up using computers became an alternative for this new normal thing we are slowly adapting with. Does your job need you to face the computer for the majority of your working hours? If yes, you are probably one of the many people who are prone to CVS or...

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Resting Your Eyes
Wed, Apr 27, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Yes, you might have heard about the negative effects of blue lights. How it destroys our health and everything. You might have also heard about the different ways to protect our health. The tips and tricks, the do’s and don’ts, and techniques to minimize its harmful effects on us. The ever famous 20-20-20 rule. It is where you look at something far like 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. No doubt, that is still one of the best ways to keep our eyes fresh and healthy. But have you ever thought of something that will...

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Blue light can cause Anxiety and Stress
Wed, Apr 13, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
After countless hours facing computers, android phones, and other digital devices, it will eventually come to a point where our eyes get exhausted. We all know how damaging it is to them. It can cause multiple health issues like digital eyes strain or DES, tired eyes, and even blindness over time. And after years of doing this, someday it will take its toll on our health. Aside from our previous blogs, it is also a known fact that blue light affects many parts of our body, but have you ever heard about how it affects our mental health? Studies show...

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How many people suffer from digital eye strain?
Mon, Apr 04, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how destructive blue light is to our health and especially to our eyes. The prolonged use of digital devices may cause different health issues. And since the Work from Home setup or what most of people call “WFH” is getting more common today, we are all being dependent on our computers and laptops. We spend all day using our digital devices for we associate almost all of our activities with them. In addition, according to a recent study, approximately 70 percent of American adults experience some form of digital eye strain. Considering that every adult these days...

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Have some fun!
Sun, Mar 20, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how negative blue light is to our health. We also know how it affects our eyes, skin, and even our mood. We have identified different ways to minimize exposure and how to solve it. We know how it disrupts our sleeping pattern before bedtime. We know how it hurts our productivity at work. We are too busy suggesting things like the 20-20-20 rule for everyone to limit the negative effects of blue lights on their health. And especially, we are all aware that installing an anti-blue light screen protector is still the best way to deal with...

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Ways to Protect Yourself against Blue Light Eye Damage
Wed, Mar 16, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
After a long day at work, facing computer screens and your phone most of the time, it is hard to avoid exposure to blue lights. We understand your struggle for we suffer from the same things, too. And since we all know how damaging it is to our health, we kind of think about how it affects and hurts us. What are its effects on us?  How bad it is? And because we are on the pandemic, we are all advised to avoid all activities that involve any physical contact; thus, we are now all reliant on our digital devices....

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What is Digital Eye Strain?
Mon, Mar 07, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
You probably have heard about “digital eye strain” since it is everywhere on the internet and every social media, but what really is Digital Eye Strain? Let’s find out! Computer vision syndrome or Digital Eye Strain is a condition that happens when the prolonged use of digital devices such as mobile phones and tablets leads to vision-related problems. As we all know, aside from vision problems, digital devices can also cause various eye conditions such as blurred vision and visual fatigue. AND NO ONE WANTS TO EXPERIENCE THOSE AFOREMENTIONED HEALTH ISSUES. But for us to understand things further, we should...

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Did you know?
Mon, Feb 28, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Artificial blue light sources can be found almost everywhere in an average household.          Here is a simple yet interesting fact everyone should be prioritizing!          Considering how everyone is aware of the negative effects of blue lights, it should be a known fact how alarming it can get knowing that blue light is everywhere in one’s house. Since artificial blue light is abundant, we are all prone to its negative effects. There are smartphones, light-emitting diodes or also known as LED, computers and laptops, fluorescent lights, and even our android phones. They all contribute and emit blue lights that...

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Our Digital Devices Could Harm Our Skin!
Thu, Feb 17, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
         We are not magicians, but chances are you reading this blog using your digital devices. You associate everything to it for you to be more efficient which is not a bad thing since we are not allowed to socialize with other people like before. In a world where physical distancing should be observed at all times, we are now using our digital devices more often, from school, work, and everything. After a tiring day at work, while facing the screen most of the time, you suddenly feel something unusual… Your skin has more wrinkles now, you now get alarmed...

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How to Protect Your Skin from the Harmful Effects of Blue Light
Wed, Feb 09, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how blue lights affect our vision, sleeping pattern, melatonin production, and many more. Aside from its harmful effects, we should also be aware that it also damages our skin. Yes, odd as may it seem, but blue light can also hurt our skin. When you think you have already heard everything about blue light, you will eventually come across another harmful effect.          Since we are on a pandemic, we associate things with our digital devices, and we cannot deny that our screentime has increased significantly compared to the previous years. But what can we do to...

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Mon, Jan 31, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how damaging blue lights are to our health. We know tips to minimize exposure and to decrease the negative effects of it. Like, the ever famous 20-20 rule, blinking your eyes often, and/or resting your eyes by setting a reminder. These are known tips and are proven effective, but there is a simple yet underrated way to keep your eyes refreshed and relaxed most of the time.             DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.             Yes. You read that right. We know how good water is to our bodies. It carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells, stabilized heartbeat,...

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Blue light Can Cause Dry and Irritated Eyes
Thu, Jan 27, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We spend most of our time facing our screens. When we wake up, we check our phones for possible important updates from work, to check the daily news, or to check on our loved ones. We basically associate our daily lives with our digital devices and since we are on a pandemic, we are not allowed to interact or be involved in any physical activities with one another. And when we spend hours on our digital devices, we stare at them deeply, and forget to rest our eyes. We forget to look to something far, blink our eyes often, and...

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Can Blue Lights Ruin Your Diet?
Mon, Jan 17, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
Ever since the COVID-19 Virus started, we are all told and advised that physical distancing must be observed all the time, which is a good thing since the virus is being transmitted through physical contact. We all now rely on our digital devices, thus the “work from home” era is now being implemented in almost all offices. We tend to rely on everything too much that it has come to a point where we are all getting lazy to do tasks like before. We also tend to choose and prefer instant food. We now ruin our diet. Our well-maintained vital...

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Should we really be concerned about blue light and its effects?
Wed, Jan 12, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
We are glad you asked. We are in a pandemic where we are prohibited to have physical contact with each other, thus we all associate our daily tasks with our digital devices. As a result, we tend to have more time facing our phone screens. Based on the American Optometric Association, exposure to blue light “Is a risk factor for the onset of age-related macular degeneration, a deterioration of the part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision.” This should alarm us considering the heavy amount of time we spend facing our phones. And the long screentime leads to...

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Fri, Jan 07, 22 . Phoebe Lorica
As harmful as it gets, blue light still has a good effect, but not what your digital devices emit. Yes, you are reading this right. Blue light still has a positive impact. But the blue light we are referring to, is the blue light from the sun. We all know that blue lights are everywhere since they came from the sun. And we are also aware of how harmful it is to our health. Now, let discuss and mention what are its positive effects. Listed below are the benefits of blue lights from the sun:   It boosts our alertness....

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Are all blue light harmful?
Mon, Dec 27, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
It is a known fact that blue light deals damage to our health for it hurts our skin, eyes, sleeping pattern, and many more. So, we are all taught to avoid blue lights. But the short answer is, NO! Only blue lights coming from our digital devices are the ones that ruin our health, not the ones that comes from the sun. In fact, the natural blue light during the day is healthy for us. It helps us not only to see clearly, but also enhances our alertness, and cognitive function. Blue lights put our vision at risk but because...

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What Devices Give Off Blue Light?
Thu, Dec 23, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
We all know how harmful blue lights are, how it destroys our sleeping pattern, and many more. It is always blamed for weary or dry eyes, lack of sleep, and other health issues, but how worried should we be? Insomnia? Migraine? What else can it bring us?  What are the devices that emit blue lights?            Chances are you are reading this on a digital device, and you also know the consequences of blue lights, and we cannot blame you for that since our lives today are now associated with these blue light-emitting devices. BUT what devices produce said...

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How Blue Light Affects Our Eyes?
Wed, Dec 15, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
We are all aware of how damaging blue light is and how it is linked to health issues like digital eye strain, tired eyes, sleep disruption, migraine, and many more. And chances are, you are reading this on a device that produces blue light. Oops! Now, we are going to look back on one of our very first topics. How does it really hurt our eyes? Let’s find out! Our eyes are not really that great at blocking blue light naturally, almost every visible blue light enters the front of our eyes that then reaches the retina. The retina is...

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How to Protect your Eyes from the Negative effects of Blue Light - 7 Easy Tips
Tue, Dec 07, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
It is safe to say that we all spend a significant amount of time while using our digital devices, which is not a bad thing these days because it is one of the best ways to cooperate and connect with people especially in a pandemic where are not allowed to socialize like before. But it comes with a price, using your phone most of the time can hurt your health. It deals with your eyes, skin, mood, and sometimes can cause headaches or migraines. Since we are all busy doing things with our phone it is kind of impossible to...

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What are the most common symptoms when our body is affected by the harmful effects of blue light?
Mon, Nov 29, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
Amid the pandemic, people tend to use their digital devices most of the time since we are not allowed from engaging in any physical activities. But prior to this, of course, you might have heard about the negative effects of blue light and what does it do to our body since it is everywhere from the magazines, internet, posters, and almost all forms of media, but have you ever wondered how does it feel experiencing one of its symptoms? If you are experiencing more than 2 of the aforementioned symptoms below, you might need to check on yourself before it...

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True or False?
Mon, Nov 15, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
“The blue light that is being emitted by your digital devices confuses your brain into thinking it is time to wake up instead of fall asleep.” Remember when you were still a kid when your mom told you to stop using your phone or gaming console because it will be hard for you to fall asleep later? Well, the short answer is YES. It disrupts your sleep. The blue light is the worst light that is being emitted by your electronic devices for it fools your brain into thinking that it is daytime and you still need to function. As...

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How can we decrease Blue Light risks in our workplace?
Wed, Nov 10, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
People who spend almost half of their day at their workplace? What are the negative results? How often do you lack sleep? Let’s find out!            You may not notice it now, but the blue lights that are being emitted by your phones and laptops at work may be the culprit of your lack of sleep. And as a result, you may experience energy loss, thus poor work performance. The unnoticed blue lights that are slowly destroying your sleep may lead to something serious, like, insomnia and weight loss.            How can we reduce or avoid the harmful...

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Why do our eyes hurt when staring at our electronic devices?
Wed, Nov 03, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
Mobile phones, computer screens (LED), and other electronic devices that generate artificial life play a role in our health for they all release blue lights. We all know what blue lights are and how harmful it is to our health. But why do our eyes hurt when staring at a screen for a long period of time? How does it manage to hurt our eyes? What can we do?                    The uneasiness most people experience after staring at screens is most likely one of the symptoms of digital eyes strain. Since we...

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Are Anti-Blue Light Filter Applications enough to block everything?
Tue, Oct 26, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
Are they really enough to block everything that your phone emits? Are the reviews on the app store that true? Were they being honest? Are they helpful? Could those apps be your friend against the negative effects of blue lights on your health? Let’s find out. You may live your whole life believing that those reviews and app descriptions are true, but they are not. Let’s cut the story short, we are going to debunk that, because the short answer is NO. They were not, are not, and will never be enough. Those filter apps only reduce the amount of...

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Can Blue Lights Cause Headaches?
Mon, Oct 18, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
People nowadays spend a great amount of time looking at funny videos on YouTube, scrolling on TikTok, reading e-books, watching movies, and basically browsing everything on the internet. But the sad truth is, while we continuously strain our eyes for a long period without breaks, it can potentially develop into headaches. And Digital Eye Strain or (DES) can lead to headaches and migraine attacks.          Since we already know that blue lights can cause headaches, how would we know if we are experiencing one? What are its symptoms? What it is like?         Here are some of...

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93% of Teens have Access to or Have a Computer at Home
Mon, Oct 11, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
Since mobile access to the internet is very common among teens these days, and gadgets have been one of the most necessary things to have particularly in a pandemic where most of us resort to online events because we are prohibited from engaging in any physical activities, this is totally concerning. Granted the sky-high percentage and what the negative effects of blue lights do to our health, this should be a top concern considering that most of its victims are still young that they do not even know the trouble they are getting in at their young ages. But no...

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The Old Yet Effective Way of Taking Care of our Eyes.
Sun, Oct 03, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
Revisiting the 20/20/20 Rule In today’s society, everyone is possibly spending a decent number of hours facing screens from their mobile devices and gadgets. From the moment we wake up, on our way to work, during breaks, after errands, or should we say, most of the time. And as a result of looking at screens too much, eye strains start to occur. Our eyes get weary and we find ourselves tired more than usual. This is where we need to learn about the 20/20/20 rule. Well, you have probably encountered this before because the 20/20/20 rule is one of the...

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Debunking Myths about Blue Light: Dark Mode and Adjusting your Screen Brightness
Mon, Sep 27, 21 . Phoebe Lorica
Today we are going to debunk one of the most common mistakes people believe these days. Have you ever thought of just lowering your screen brightness to keep your eyes rested after using your phone for the whole day? Or do you just switch to dark mode when your eyes suddenly feel tired? If you are of those people who practices these ways, then this one is for you!          “… Oh, my eyes are getting worn out, let me just change the saturation and adjust my screen brightness this will help me ease the pain.”           We hate to...

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