
Blue Lights and its Nighttime Exposure

Tue, Aug 23, 22 . Phoebe Lorica

According to several research, working the night shift or being exposed to light at night may increase your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. That does not prove that exposure to nighttime light causes these illnesses, nor does it explain why it would be harmful to us. Also, a Harvard study provided some insight into the potential link to obesity and diabetes. The circadian rhythms of 10 participants were gradually changed by the researchers' schedule. Leptin levels, which help people feel satisfied after eating, decreased, and their blood sugar levels rose, putting them into a pre-diabetic state. A hormone that affects circadian rhythms, melatonin, is secreted less when one is exposed to light. Even low levels of light can disrupt a person's melatonin production and circadian rhythm.


Another study according to Harvard sleep researcher Stephen Lockley, exposure to as little as eight lux, which is brighter than the majority of table lamps and roughly twice as bright as a night light, can have an impact. According to him, one of the reasons so many people don't get enough sleep is because of light at night. Researchers have also connected short sleep cycles to an increased risk of depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues.


If you suddenly get alarmed, you should be installing an anti-blue light screen protector now!



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