
Can Blue Lights Cause Headaches?

Mon, Oct 18, 21 . Phoebe Lorica

People nowadays spend a great amount of time looking at funny videos on YouTube, scrolling on TikTok, reading e-books, watching movies, and basically browsing everything on the internet. But the sad truth is, while we continuously strain our eyes for a long period without breaks, it can potentially develop into headaches. And Digital Eye Strain or (DES) can lead to headaches and migraine attacks.

         Since we already know that blue lights can cause headaches, how would we know if we are experiencing one? What are its symptoms? What it is like?

        Here are some of the symptoms we may feel when getting too much exposure to blue lights:

  • Eye Stress
  • Drying of Eyes
  • Shoulder to/or Neck Pain
  • Inflammation of Eye
  • Blurriness of Vision
  • Sensitivity to Lights

         If you are experiencing any of these symptoms regularly you might now reconsider your daily phone routine and usage. Minimize your screentime and make time for your eyes to replenish and rest. These symptoms when left unnoticed may lead to negative health conditions. Serious conditions like intense eye pain, macular degeneration, and even cataracts. Do not compromise your health and better invest in an anti-blue light screen protector before it is too late.



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