
How blue light exposure late at night sets you up for disease

Thu, Dec 06, 18 . Heidi Green

How blue light exposure late at night sets you up for disease

Using laptops, cellphones and other devices that give off blue light in the evenings could have serious implications for our health. 

A new paper published by Royal Society Te Apaarangi shows growing exposure to artificial blue light increases the risk of obesity and depression, and potentially some types of cancer.

Watching a laptop or scrolling through your cellphone is a late-night activity used to help wind down, but they are actually disrupting our sleep and research shows that could cause serious problems for our health.

"Long-term sleep disruption can be associated with issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, even cancer," said Associate Professor Guy Warman, of Auckland University's Department of Anesthesiology.

Blue light is part of natural daylight, and we need a certain amount of it. The human eye even has a special cell to detect it that helps our brain regulate our internal body clocks.....Read More

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