
Our Digital Devices Could Harm Our Skin!

Thu, Feb 17, 22 . Phoebe Lorica

         We are not magicians, but chances are you reading this blog using your digital devices. You associate everything to it for you to be more efficient which is not a bad thing since we are not allowed to socialize with other people like before. In a world where physical distancing should be observed at all times, we are now using our digital devices more often, from school, work, and everything. After a tiring day at work, while facing the screen most of the time, you suddenly feel something unusual… Your skin has more wrinkles now, you now get alarmed and confused.

         You then check for products to prevent it, and you might have noticed that some of them have “anti-blue light”. You are now intrigued. How can blue lights from my screen could harm my skin? I thought they could only damage my eyes.

         According to studies, blue lights contribute to hyperpigmentation and brown spots which results in skin wrinkles. We know how conservative you get when it comes to your skin. And since you cannot avoid using your digital devices, you can at least install an anti-blue light screen protector on your devices for excellent protection. Do not let your skin get hurt, invest in an anti-blue light now!

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