
True or False?

Mon, Nov 15, 21 . Phoebe Lorica

“The blue light that is being emitted by your digital devices confuses your brain into thinking it is time to wake up instead of fall asleep.”

Remember when you were still a kid when your mom told you to stop using your phone or gaming console because it will be hard for you to fall asleep later? Well, the short answer is YES. It disrupts your sleep. The blue light is the worst light that is being emitted by your electronic devices for it fools your brain into thinking that it is daytime and you still need to function. As a result, your body stops releasing melatonin, a hormone that our body needs in order to fall asleep.

What happens when your body stops producing these said hormones? We know for a fact that it destroys our sleeping patterns. It is not only about sleep loss, but decreased melatonin levels are also observed in different diseases from the minor ones to the serious ones, like dementia, severe pain, mood swings, and disorders, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer which is clearly alarming. If the number of serious diseases mentioned does not concern you, well it is time for you to reevaluate yourself and change your routine, especially your phone and other electronic devices usage.

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