Children & Elderly
Children aged 0 - 12
Do you have children within the age range of 0 -12 in your household ? iPad are extremely harmful to children's eyes ! In
comparison to an average adult, the lens layer is clearer in a child and weaker in the elderly. By default, both eyes structures are
prone to additional blue light exposure and therefore cause more harm.
User testimony from Megan:
"As the number of learning apps available on the iPad continues to grow, I am becoming more and more concerned of my 3 year-old
son being addicted to playing on my tablet. On top of that, I am most concerned about his eyes. After a bit of a research on the
Internet, I purchased the anti-bluelight protective film from RetinaGuard to help protect the eyes of my son as well as my own. To my
pleasant surprise, the film does not affect the sensitivity of the touch screen and does not interfere with the colors of the screen
display. I am very thankful that such a product exists to help address the concerns of a worried mom."
Digital device use leads to eye strain, even in kids
July 2, 2014 USA TODAY
White collar workers aged 30 - 60
Study done by researchers at Harvard University indicates that using smart phones, tablets, or laptops prior to going to sleep throws
the body's biological clock, the circadian rhythm, out of rhythm. Professor Richard Funk, a famous German ophthalmologist, had his
report Blue Light can Seriously Threaten Retinal Neurons published by the European Journal of Neuroscience in August 2011.
User testimony from Derrick:
"For my 60th birthday, my daughter bought me an anti-bluelight protective film from RetinaGuard. She is concerned that my cataract
condition will worsen from the contrast exposure to the the blue-light released by the LED screens. Since computers became such
an essential part of our lives, I have been looking at the computer screens for over 8 hours a day at work. After using the film for 2
months, I started noticing a significant difference. Earlier today, I bought another film for my wife!"
The Role of Blue Light in the Pathogenesis of AMD
May, 2003 Sunnex Biotechnologies