Avoiding exposure to Blue Light is almost impossible especially these days where we are all accustomed to using our mobile phones all the time. We associate every activity we are about to do with our phones for it saves us time and helps us to be more accurate. If you are one of those people, then this is one is for you!
We are all familiar with how the bad effects of Blue Lights affect our health. It disrupts our sleeping pattern and damages our eyes, which then results in more serious health conditions. Apparently, Blue Lights does not only harm our eyes, but it also damages our skin! Woah! That’s new. Studies show that long-term exposure can harm our skin. Even exposures as short as an hour can activate these negative effects on our body. It affects our skin color or what you call pigmentation, hurts the texture, causes inflammation, and even cell reduction. This is because it alters the chemicals found in our skin which leads to premature ageing.
Blue Light is basically harmful to our health in general. It affects our health more than we are capable of knowing. We do not want to compromise our health, do we?
What Exactly is Blue Lights?
According to studies, Blue Light is a color in the visible light spectrum that can be seen by our eyes. It is basically everywhere, from the light of the sun to artificial sources, like, fluorescent lights, Light Emitting Diodes (LED), computer screens, our smartphones, and many more.
How does it disrupt our sleep?
Blue Light suppresses the production of melatonin in our body, it is a hormone that makes us feel sleepy, which can cause us to lose sleep. Exposure to Blue Light during the daytime is a healthy agent for our body for it promotes energy. On the other hand, exposure to artificial sources of Blue Lights at night interrupts our usual routine by tricking our brain into not releasing said melatonin, which results and ends up in us not feeling tired. This is one of the main reasons why using phones before bedtime is not a good idea if you want to have a good sleep.
How can we lessen our exposure to Blue Lights at night?
There are many things to do to minimize exposure.
Here are some of the tips we recommend:
a.) Set a reminder or alarm 2 hours before going to sleep, so your body and brain can rest and produce melatonin.
b.) Read a book. Make reading before bedtime with the proper amount of light an alternative before going to sleep instead of using your phone all the time.
c.) Use and install RetinaGuard Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector! To your phone!
3 Underrated Ways to Decrease Blue Light Exposure from your Smartphones
There are many ways to minimize Blue Light exposure from your phones. Resting your eyes, blinking every now and then, looking at something far are only some of the most common ways to protect your eyes from the negative effect of Blue Lights and it is proven that they are all helpful and effective. It is clear that we are all exposed to Blue Lights every day, but have you ever questioned if what are some of the underrated ways to help reduce your exposure to said blue lights?
1.Avoid using your phones before sleeping – after a long day, we tend to look at our phones to check for updates whether it is about our favorite sports, recent news, or current events. We use our phones to get sleepy and tired, but this is one of the common mistakes we do. It gives our eyes stress and restlessness that may lead to insomnia.
2.Green – Yes, the color green. It is one of the most comforting colors to stare at. It relaxes your eyes just by simply looking at green objects.
3.Get RetinaGuard Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector – We spend every dime we have on accessories and other stuff, but we rarely invest in screen protectors. It protects our eyes from almost every potential problem triggered by blue light exposure. Do not wait until you suffer from any eye problems, get RetinaGuard Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector now.
The New Ipad Pro
“Delightfully Capable
Surprisingly Affordable”
That’s the tagline of the newest Ipad Pro of Apple in the market. The state-of-the-art technology stands out among the rest. With its light built, capacity, and display the Newest Ipad Pro is definitely one of the best gadgets today.
Having one makes you more active on almost everything. You maximize every feature, compare everything from your previous phone, and you look for more accessories to make it better than it already is. Getting said accessories is cool, but what you should be capitalizing on right now is an Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector.
What is an Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector and why should everyone have it?
It’s clear that we can all come to an agreement that we devote most of our time facing our desired gadgets. We can afford to buy accessories that make our phone more durable and prone to external damages, but unfortunately, we are not focusing on the harmful blue lights that are being released by our phones. Studies say that too much exposure to blue lights may cause visual fatigue, migraine, and other health-related issues, issues that are left unnoticed may result in serious problems. And by investing in an Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector, we can avoid said problems in an instant for it reduces the blue light that is being emitted by our phones. We do not want to compromise our health, so think of getting one now!
4 Ways to Protect Your Eyes from the Harmful Effects of Blue Lights
In today’s society, we can all agree that having a phone is a must for we associate it with almost every task we have. As we increase our use of these devices, we also put our eyes and health at risk. But how can we protect our eyes from the negatives effect of Blue Lights?
- Blink, Blink, and Blink – This is one of the easiest ways to protect our eyes. It does not cost a single penny. Constantly blinking makes our eyes refreshed and rested. This will make our eyes moist most of the time.
- Minimize the use of your phone before bedtime – This can lead to insomnia and sleep disorder. The blue lights that are being emitted by our phones make our sleep disrupted.
- Use Retinaguard Anti-blue Light Screen Protector – There are many screen protectors that are surfacing around the internet and stores. You install and add as many accessories as possible just to keep your phone stylish, but what you should be investing right now is a Retinaguard Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector. This screen protector can help reduce the harmful lights that are being emitted by your phone. This the best screen protector today! Do not compromise your health and order one now.
- Give your eyes a breather – This is definitely the most effective way to deal with the aforementioned effects. Our eyes are not a machine that does need rest. Give it a break, do yourself a favor, and close your eyes for a few minutes during long screen times. Set a reminder on your phone or PC to remind you to take a break from what you are doing.